Tilling invests in knowledge & infrastructure to support WA lightweight timber construction
Tilling SmartFrame is working to provide local support for this growth from its Perth operations, backed up by capital investments in plant and equipment. The company has recently completed the installation of a Hundegger CNC cutter. Housed in its own brand-new shed, this cutter will provide precision docked engineered timber products for SmartFrame engineered floor systems.
Tilling SmartFrame is also providing local support to build knowledge within the WA market around the light weight build process, with the Perth office conducted an industry specification night in August this year. The event was very well received and generated a lot of interest, attracting 128 attendees across merchants, engineers and builders. Keynote speaker Dr. David Bylund, Architect & Program Development Manager and Mid-Rise Advisory Program with Wood Solutions provided valuable information on what is happening in the eastern states within the lightweight timber construction space; while Tilling’s own Engineering Manager Craig Kay detailed the lightweight flooring and engineering capabilities of the SmartFrame Design Centre.
Tilling SmartFrame will continue to support the WA market with industry events and has further capital investment planned for mid-2018, so watch this space.